Apple Pie
I wrote something yesterday, but it was a little too much about me. The downside of freewriting I guess.
24 hours after I wrote my piece on Winter and this past year of horrors, it was announced, after 5 agonizing days of counting mail in votes that Joe Biden FINALLY beat Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Any way you slice it: a popular vote of over 4.3 million more than his opponent, plus an ever-increasing lead in the dinosaur that is the Electoral College (currently at 290 of 270 votes needed, with a projected final count of 306-214). To use an oft-used phrase: America has spoken. It feels like an ingrown hair has finally broken the surface, and all of that angry irritated inflammation has been released.
I only wish I could be in my favourite city in the world, New York City. The videos immediately after are of just unbridled celebration. In a city that has never been quiet in the times I’ve visited, they’re really blowing the roof off. I can’t even think of an appropriate analogy. I’m just so happy for them. Were it not for the pandemic swelling and receding all year and subsequent border shutdown, I have no doubt I would have been there around this time.
America, you have shed your skin. As much as it hurts to admit, the almost cartoonishly evil administration over the last four years has birthed a grassroots movement that has not been seen in decades. From the women’s march 4 years ago, to the students after the tragic Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting, to the aforementioned and extended Black Lives Matter protests; all were catalytic to this result.