Dying Words

Remember when the heroes and the villains in the books were hardened? These days, you turn the page, the only bullets are in the margins. 

We used to write letters, then email replaced it. Then: why email 40 people with the same news when you can simply update your Facebook status and tell all of your "friends" at the same time? Why stop there? Why read at all? A picture's worth a thousand words, and Twitter means you only have to fill 140 characters. All that's left to do at brunch is to hashtag your #hashbrowns. 

Our worth is tied to retweets, shares, and likes.  Inside jokes like Grumpy Cat take the place of a real dirty joke.  If you have followers, where are you going to lead them?

No one reads essays anymore. I feel like I'm losing the battle against The Idiots. The web is no longer a network, it's more like a cobweb. A series of cobwebs in a cluttered, dusty attic that needs sweeping out. So much clutter taking up space that could be used for memories, skills, and faces. 

A list of likes may as well be a plague of locusts.

The Third Place

Why It's Tough to Write in the Internet Age